Tuesday 19 March 2013

Penis Enlargement - Ways to Try

By Kingsley Modozie

I have revealed the five ways which you can try out to enlarge your penis size. If you are in search of a way to enlarge your penis size, you need to discover them inside the content of this article.
We have many ways to enlarge the size of the penis. A few of them work while some of them do not work. When selecting the method to use to enlarge your penis size, there is one important thing you need to put into consideration. The one important thing is known as safety. Some penis enlargement methods are not safe to use. Nevertheless, I will reveal to you the various ways to enlarge the size of your manhood. They are known as surgery, pill, exercise, patch, and extender. Til date, these are the known methods to enlarge the size of your manhood. I will talk about each of them and make my recommendation on the one you should use to enlarge your penis size which truly works.

Surgery: I guess everyone knows what penis enlargement surgery is all about. In case you do not know, let me reveal to you what it's all about. It is the use of surgical equipments to enlarge your penis size. This is a risky way to enlarge the penis size and there are a lot of complications involved with this method. It can cost up to $7000 to carry one full penis enlargement surgery that is the amount for length enlargement. If you want to enlarge your girth, you will be charged about $5000 for it. My research reveals that up to 90% of men that attempted penis surgery were unsatisfied with its result. Some of the complications of penis surgery are impotency, pain, bleeding and the rest of others.
Extender: It is the use of a device to stretch the penis size. This method involves the wearing of a penis stretcher on your penis for a period of 5 hours daily. You should expect about 2 months to see visible result and you need to make use of a penis extender with a double strap to avoid discomfort.
Exercise: It is one of the most popular ways to enlarge your penis size which is mainly offered on the internet. The problem with this method is that it is not easy to get the right information to follow and apply. When you surf round the internet, you will see a lot of guides on how penis enlargement exercise is carried out but most of them do not provide the right procedure. The best way to go around this is to join a penis enlargement program like the type offered by Penis Health.
Pill: This method consists of the intake of penis pills made using herbs. There are some herbs that work to give you a bigger erection, so you can take them to give your penis the size you hunger for.

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