Sunday 31 March 2013

How Penis Enlargement Works

How does natural male enhancement work? Is there a biological basis to improving penis size? If yes... What is it, and why does it work? What about the avalanche of articles and the assortment of online offers that promise ridiculous anatomical improvements in super short order? Are they fact... or 100% fantasy and fiction instead? And if they do work... HOW? Any of these questions sound familiar? In this article we are going to take a quick and easy look at the natural male enhancement industry, and shine a bright light on what medical science DOES know about size, and how it can be augmented and improved. Interested? Continue reading as we take a closer look in the paragraphs below.
Q: Isn't penis size based on biology? Can it REALLY be changed with practice, or pills or any sort of artificial means?

A: Good question. And the truth is, while there has been anecdotal evidence for years that some types of natural male enhancement really DOES work, the standard scientific line has been, at least relative to penis size, that what you are born with, and what evolves with your body as you go and grow... is pretty much what nature wants you to have forever.
The only known exemption to this rule?
Phalloplasty, or surgical augmentation. While this is not the path most men take, we have known for decades that this specific procedure could radically change penis size, regardless of where you began!
The problem of course with going this route for MOST men is simple. It's a very dangerous procedure and one that can cost upwards of 20 thousand dollars if done in the USA.
In addition, phalloplasty has the highest rate of patient dissatisfaction of ANY elective cosmetic procedure in the world... a fact that turns many men off who can afford it. (note: A very small percentage of surgical male enhancements are in fact done for men who are so "small" as to be considered "deformed," which can present a health challenge later in life. While rare, this does happen, and is a real reason to consider phalloplasty)
Enlargement surgery is usually done with silicone injections, or even saline (like breast augmentation) both of which offer the appearance of enhanced size.
What about natural enhancement without surgery? Does it work?
I think most medical opinions now suggest that YES, it does. Of course many PE products, processes and programs are a scam... but there is now overwhelming evidence the natural enhancement does work.
The big change over the last 10 years in terms of the science of enhancement is actually pretty simple, and very exciting if you are insecure about your size.
There is now a lot of evidence that certain types of natural exercise, and medical grade interventions CAN in fact increase penis size in a dramatic way, without drugs or danger. (drugs, by the way... are another method proven NOT to work)
So how does genuine male enhancement work?
Very simply. The spongy tissue in the male anatomy is "stressed" either through exercise or a similar strategy like a tension apparatus. This leads the spongy tissue in the corposa cavernosa to break down and regrow. When this happens, the cells in the tissue multiply (as happens elsewhere in the body as well) causing what is called "tougher tissue," which can lead to increased blood flow (which affects erection size) as well as a denser, and more robust overall appearance.
The truth is, there is only 1 genuine way to affect the size of your penis without surgery or augmentation: To increase the size and density of the penile tissue, which in turn... allows more blood to flow to and through the male organ when erect.
The bad news? Any product that makes a bold promise but does NOT do the above, is not going to work.
The good new? There ARE finally proven, medially valid and safe paths to improve penis size from home... and you don't need drugs, danger or anything dubious to do it!

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