Monday, 6 May 2013

Best Penis Enlarging Products? You Can't Go Wrong With These Five Effective Products Or Methods

The best penis enlarging products are always desired by men but a lot of men are cautious when it comes to these products because they know little about it. In order to know whether penis enlargement products or methods really work, you need to know what they are and how they work in the first place. This article tells all.
sex problem medicine
As much as we want to have a large penis by birth, it is not possible because of our genetic make-up but if you are really interested in making your manhood grow and avoid embarrassment from having a small penis, then there are options for you to try which will help you grow inches on your penis.
Procedures / products available for penis enlargement are as follows:
i) Penis augmentation (surgery);
ii) Penis traction devices;
iii) Jelqing exercises;
iv) Penis enlargement patches and
v) Penis enlargement pills
All of these products have been tested and proven and you will know them better through reading the rest of this article.
i) Penis augmentation is enlarging the penis through surgery.
This method can increase either the girth and length. To increase the girth, fats are sucked form your body and then injected on the skin of the penis. This method has been improved that your penis will not show any sign of the surgery like uneven bulging and the likes. The surgery increasing the length is done by dividing the ligaments in the penis. To make the effects of the surgery permanent you need to use a penis traction device for about four months after surgery for at least four hours daily. The surgery normally lasts for 2 hours. This method is guaranteed to work but this procedure is also expensive. It is also risky that is why you need to use the services of reputable surgeons in order to assure success.
ii) Penis traction device
This device may be used after a penis augmentation surgery but it can also help you in increasing your penis size without the use of surgery. This is a much safer and cost efficient product for penis enlargement than a penis augmentation. The basic principle that makes this device work is the "traction force" it outs in the penis which in effect will make the tissues in the penis increase in size.
iii) Jelqing exercise
These exercises use the same traction principle in increasing the penis size. You can find these exercises on the net. The most reliable sources are from membership sites where you pay certain membership fees to access to information as well as assistance in the exercise program. This method may get boring in the long run but it has been proven to be effective.
iv) Penis enlargement patches
Patches work by way of the so-called "Transdermal Technology". This a big phrase word but it simply means delivery through the skin. When you stick a patch on your skin, the ingredients in the patch get absorbed through the skin and reach the blood stream pretty quickly.
The ingredients then work as a stimulant for the improvement of the blood circulation in the penis. The increase in the blood circulating in the penis makes the penis larger but this will wear off once you stopped using the patches. In order to make the effect permanent, try using a penis traction devise or jelqing exercise with the pills and patches.
v) Penis enlargement pills
Pills work slightly differently from patches in that you need to swallow them. Therefore, pills need to go through your digestive system before the ingredients can reach your blood stream where things start to happen.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Latest Penis Enlargement Method

At this point in time where super size cars, airplane, ships, mobile phone, meals, and just about everything else, it's hard to stop imagining and asking whether bigger is size is actually best for everything. Its a fact that men are very competitive when it comes to their abilities in satisfying women. So, do men really give importance to penis size to satisfy a woman? Well, yes, but you'll be amazed to find out for whom it really matters.
Newly released scientific facts and data may help put to rest some of the myths circulating about whether or not penis size matters and what's normal for the vast majority of men out there. A well executed survey was recently conducted, and has put the average erect size of a male adult penis to be between 5.5 inches and 6.2 inches in length and 4.7 inches and 5.1 inches in girth. The study also shows that from about 50,000 respondents heterosexual men and women. About 85 percent of women were satisfied with their partners penile size, but only 55 percent of men were satisfied.
There are many so many types of latest penis enlargement methods nowadays. Here are the most popular and tested methods, each method has its own advantage and disadvantage:
1. Penis Enlargement Surgery
Penis enlargement surgery is often considered to be extremely risky and fairly expensive. Although it is probably the widest accepted medical procedure, it's a common knowledge that there remains a numbers of risks associated with this method
2. Penis Enlargement Traction Devices
This is one of the newest penis enlargement methods that is just recently introduced on the market. These device is used to apply a constant traction over the length of the penis making your penis larger. By doing this method, your body will likely adapt and adjust to this new force, begins to grow bulky, and produce new tissue cells.
3. Penis Enlargement Weights
This method is done by hanging small weights off the end of the penis to stretch the penis and have length gains.These procedure of using weights can be incredibly uncomfortable so many expert would not recommend these type of method.
4. Penis Enlargement Pills
Penis enlargement pills main function aiming to enlarge the Corpora Cavernosa, main blood holding chamber of the penis. By increasing the Corpora Cavernosa and the surrounding chambers the penis can hold more blood and this in turn will lead to a larger length and girth. Penis enlargement pills may help increased sexual appetite and blood flow. Penis enlargement pills are considered to be by far the fastest & easiest way of increasing the penis size. In combination with penis exercises and proper dose of enlargement pills patients can see dramatic gains (2-3 inches) in just a few months.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Premature Ejaculation - Issues and Solutions

Of the two major commonly reported cases of male sexual dysfunction, erectile dysfunction accounts for about 10% while premature ejaculation is reported to account for some 80 percent. Some statistics indicate that one in three men suffer from premature ejaculation indicating a prevalence rate of between 27 percent and 34 percent in men of all ages.
According to The American Psychiatric Association, premature ejaculation is defined as the "persistent or recurrent ejaculation with minimum sexual stimulation before, on or shortly after penetration and before the person wishes it..." Simply stated, PE is a condition where a man frequently ejaculates earlier than he or his partner wishes to either before, on or shortly after copulating with his partner. Premature ejaculation is also known as rapid ejaculation.

Premature ejaculation causes marked distress or interpersonal difficulty for a man and his partner as it allows neither partner to enjoy the sexual act in a proper manner. The man feels dissatisfaction because of the inability to hold out the pleasurable sensations of sexual contact for a longer period of time while his partner is equally dissatisfied for not being able to reach her sexual peak.
It is also common for men that are experiencing PE to question their masculinity and lose confidence in their sexual performance. They may feel misunderstood as to the extent of frustration and humiliation they regularly experience while a partner may suffer in silence for fear of upsetting their man further or become frustrated at their partner's seeming unwillingness to fix the problem.
However, many men occasionally experience premature ejaculation during sexual intercourse, but as long as it does not happen frequently, there is no cause for the man to worry. The time period that qualifies for PE has however become a highly debatable topic owing to the fact that men ejaculate at different times during different sexual encounters. Scientists and researchers now define premature ejaculation as a condition in which the man achieves orgasm in about 120 seconds or 2 minutes after vaginal penetration. Others specify the number of penile thrusts, considering less than 8 to 15 thrusts prior to ejaculation to be premature. With that said, if this should occur on a more regular basis, then he may be suffering from PE.

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Enlarge Penis Size - Exposed! The Do's and Dont's of Penis Enlargement Cream

Have you ever been watching TV late at night and an infomercial about some new penis enlargement cream comes on the screen? You are hearing testimonials from guys that have used the product and are experiencing great results. In addition, the infomercial seems pretty convincing and it leaves you wanting to test the cream for the same results. Well, not many men will say "No" to add a couple of inches to their penis. Let's face it. Many men think a larger penis is more satisfying to a woman. The underlying truth is that most people want to know if enlargement cream is really effective at enlarge penis size.
There are a number of penis enhancement creams on the market promising to increase penis size over a short period of time. Many of these cream companies promise fast results and natural ingredients in their product. In addition, most of the creams have never been approved by FDA or even tested by any medical authority. Also, some of the creams have been found to possess dangerous ingredients and chemicals. Some penis enhancement creams are filled with harmful hormones, herbs, steroids and even traces of amphetamines. Furthermore, these are reasons to be cautious about choosing enhancement products for the penis because the side effects can be dangerous for the human body.

There are not too many products that will work just by rubbing a cream or oil on the penis to increase the length. Many creams claim that the product can be rubbed on the penis and the cream will stimulate the tissue to enlarge and spread. This will lead to a stronger and longer erection. The fact of the matter is that anything that's rubbed on the penis will be carried away by the bloodstream and it will never reach the tunica albuginea. In addition, the tunica albuginea is a white covering in the penis that helps to trap the blood flow in the penis to sustain an erection. The only way for a penis enlargement cream to be solutions in helping with enlarge penis size is for the cream to be injected into the urethra.
There is some hope for penis enhancement cream and it can be used with penis enlargement exercises to increase the size in men. It would be wise to find a cream that doesn't contain harmful ingredients or a cream with natural ingredients. In addition, the cream will make the penis more pliable and smooth when use with enlargement exercises. Also, penis enlargement exercises are simply taking your hands to stimulate the tissues in the penis to increase the capacity of the blood in the penis and the increased blood flow will cause the penis to swell to a larger size. Furthermore, if you decide to use a cream then you will get the best results by combining the cream with penis enlargement exercises.
Many people make the mistake of buying or trying a product before doing the proper research. It is possible to change the length and girth of your penis with the right techniques and products.

Sunday, 28 April 2013

The Penis Enlargement Patch

A new addition to the penis enhancement market is known as the penis enlargement patch. This works in a similar way to other patches where the drugs enter the blood stream through the skin. Some men advocate using this over the pill but it's all based on personal preference. Both will provide some level of results once used properly.

The penis enlargement industry continues to experience rapid growth. On a yearly basis, many new products are added. On such product is the penis enlargement patch. With more and more of these products claiming success, the biggest issue for most men choosing the best product to use.
The first step one should take before purchasing a penis enhancement patch or any other product is to do some product research. The internet is an excellent way of getting the facts before making purchase.
Most men are completely ignorant of the difference between a penis enlargement pill and a penis enlargement patch. ProEnhance is one of the more popular penis enlargement patches available on the market.
The ProEnhance penis enlargement patch consists of natural substances such as one important ingredient Guarana. This fruit is clinically proven to increase the sex drive of both men and women and has been used by Amazon Indians for centuries as an energy booster and to prevent fatigue.The difference between the patch and the pill is the mode of delivery and the substances used in the formulation of each. They verdict is still to be decided on which one is more effective.
Different groups of people will recommend a product based on their personal preference. Some will say the pill works better when compared to the patch or vice versa. The truth is that these comments are not based on scientific fact, but personal preference. The pill works once it is orally ingested. It is then absorbed into the system through the stomach and intestines.
The stomach acids dissolve the pill and the chemicals then travel into the intestines and liver. From there, they enter the bloodstream. The pill will then do what it was designed to do. The patch on the other hand, works differently. The substances are sent through the skin directly into the bloodstream. And, therefore, the patch is preferred because of this process. Ultimately it all boils down to personal preference. In the end all that really matters is what makes you feel better and provide the best results.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

3 Things to Avoid With Penis Enlargement

Many men are unhappy with the size of their penis. This is not new. In fact, as far back as the time of the Pharoes, men have tried to increase their size through different methods of penis enlargement. Unfortunately there are some very unsafe methods that have been propagated on the net and elsewhere that can have severe consequences if used. The aim of this article is to bring three of these dangerous methods to light. Hopefully this information will stop men from hurting themselves or worse!

1- Do not strap weights to your penis!
Many penis enlargement methods draw on the same dynamics that weight lifting do. To build muscle you stress the muscle with resistance (weights). The muscle then adapts by getting bigger. Similarly, many penis enlargement methods use exercise of the penis to force it adapt and grow (even if the penis contains no muscle tissue). However, the similarity ends there! Hanging a weight from the end of the penis is painful and dangerous. Serious damage that may require surgery can be done with this penis enlargement method. There are in fact safe and effective exercises that can lead to penis enlargement.
2. Do not use topical creams.
There is no clinical evidence that these creams actually increase penis size. Often, these creams have ingredients that cause rashes and other skin conditions. Many have experienced burns and have required medical attention. In addition, do not believe the claims that creams will enlarge your penis in any way. At best, these creams have ingredients that temporarily increase blood flow to the penis. This will result in temporary firmness of erections but no long term, permanent penis enlargement. Don't fall for the scams!
3. Do not use homemade traction devices.
This is common sense. You may save a few bucks but at what risk? you can risk rashes, cuts, tears and even more serious damage with such homemade devices. If you want to use a traction device, get one that has been manufactured to precise specifications. These traction devices are tested and have a minimum of quality assurance that will ensure the safety of your penis.
Use common sense and do not let your goal of enlarging your penis get in the way of your good judgement. Look for legitimate penis enlargement methods. There are many out there.
A large percentage of men surveyed are unhappy with their penis size or their sexual performance. No wonder penis enlargement is such big business! While the penis enlargement industry is unfairly associated with spam and scams, there are a lot of companies out there that have genuine, medically tested, safe devices for penis enlargement. These methods and devices have been proven to work. Sizegenetics is one such method. It combines exercises and a clinically rated traction device to offer the safest and most effective penis enlargement method on the market today.

Friday, 19 April 2013

Penis Enlargement - Increase Your Penis Size Without Side Effect!

Penis enlargement gadgets industry is growing at a fast pace with new introductions in market each day made by people who have been researching this particular field for a long time. The reason behind this is clear, more and more number of men are finding it difficult to retain the male power they had when they were young.

There are several reasons why men require male enlargement, these reasons range from mental problems to having to fight with stress constantly and a dissatisfying personal life. This makes it difficult for the men to concentrate on sex and hence these problems. These problems give rise to dissatisfaction among partners and increasing complications in life.
Penis enlargement addresses a number of sexual problems in men and not just the size of penis. It enables men to once again have powerful erections like they did when they were younger, these techniques also help them regain control over ejaculations, and of course it increases size of the penis making it all the more interesting for their partners.
Penis enlargement can be done as discreetly just in case you do not want to let your partner know about this. Inventors have created several such techniques that work all day long and your partner will not even suspect that you are trying for penis enlargement.
One of such techniques is the penis enlargement patch, designed to look like any antiseptic strip this patch contains herbal mixture that has been scientifically created to work through the skin, this will help you get an enlarged penis and be really discreet about it. You can stick the patch anywhere on your skin and the medicine is transferred to the skin to provide more effective power to your penis.
Penis enlargement techniques also include the pills and liquid medicine that is packed in small bottles that can be carried anywhere with you, you can just pop in the required dosage and gain penis enlargement without anyone suspecting it. Most of the penis enlargement products do carry information but do not overtly state the purpose of this medicine, it is for the user only, and therefore any other person looking at the container is less likely to suspect it as a penis enlargement product.
Those who have abundant privacy and time can use other products like the extenders, tractions, massage creams, etc. These techniques require you to give time and also require some personal space, therefore there are ideal for those who live alone, and not for those with family and children around them. Penis enlargement products are available online, these products mention how these products will look like once you receive these, therefore you can select those which are most likely to have blank labels or something that does not have a label that mentions what it contains overtly.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Penis Enlargement Pills - Your Natural Way Towards Man Enhancement

Will I ever get an enlarged penis? this question may arise in you mind if you have small penis size. A large percentage of men always wish for bigger penis because they know the real advantages like increased sexual satisfaction, self-confidence and positive impact on your whole personality. If a man feels that small penis is making him humiliated in front of his partner and himself then go and get the desired treatment for penis enlargement.
Different ways are available for you to enlarge your penis which ranges from the scientific approach to natural approach. Penis enlargement methods includes Pills, Penis Vacuum Pumps, patches and surgery etc.

Herbal Penis Enlargement Pills For You
Herbal methods and medicines are generally preferred by people because they carry no side effects. One such herbal pill is VigRX which is a combo of effective natural herbs which are able to give longer , measurable and safe results. These pills helps to improve the blood flow towards the penis which is very essential to increase the length and girth of penis size. These pills are carefully manufactured supplements for penis problems and full sexual health of men.
Some of the important benefits provided by these herbal pills are longer and stronger erections, control over ejaculation, greater sexual pleasure and increased intense orgasms. This isn't a miraculous pill so you can't get the large penis overnight. You'll get steady results with these herbal pills which lasts lifetime. Results are visible after one month but for best results you should wait for three months.
How Ingredients of Herbal pills Works for Man Enhancement
The manufacturers of these pills are a group of devoted medical professionals convergent entirely on the enhancement and betterment for the sexual life of men.
These pills contain non harmful herbs from different parts of the world like Europe, China and South America, these renowned herbs with special qualities are integrated in the right way to form effective mixture which helps to maintain decent erection and increase sexual pleasure.
According to the anatomy of penis, two spongy areas are present called corpora cavernosa inside your penis. As you become excited an erection starts, and the erectile tissues fill up with the natural flow of blood. This herbal pill helps in enlarging these tissues. These enlarged tissues can hold much more blood which lets you experience better erection. These pills relax the whole nervous system which deals with the psychological part of an individual.
The herbal pills must be taken as recommended. The herbal ingredients are :
  • Epimedium
  • Ginkgo biloba
  • Cuscuta seed
  • Red ginseng
  • Saw palmetto
  • Muira puama
  • Catuaba
  • Hawthorn berry
Along with overall penis size enlargement it also improves your whole sexual performance. These pills are the epitome of the man's healthy body. Their uniqueness comes from the fact it is a combination of both traditional and modern health practices to help men reach their sexual peak through safe and natural way.
It gives safe, longer-lasting and proven results for penis enhancement and penis health.
Herbal Pills Supports Natural Penis Enlargement
Most of the people living throughout the different parts of the world believe in natural medication. So if you consider case of penis enlargement more and more men are heading towards the natural means . Natural penis enlargement products use herbal ingredients to enlarge your penis size and improve your overall sexual functionality.
Natural penis enlargement can be achieved through herbal pills VigRX. The biggest reward you will get from these penis enlargement pills is no side effects. The herbs contained in this pill can increase the size of your penis, overall blood flow, support overall penile health.
There are many advantages of using herbal pills for enlargement . Some of which are:
  • Solution of erectile dysfunction better firm erections
  • More Control over premature ejaculation
  • Increased intense orgasm
  • No side effects, natural and safe for health
  • Permanent growth in size without any pain
  • Feeling of youth and muscularity
  • Contains effective herbs to treat strain and anxiety.
This form of natural penis enlargement is beneficial because firstly you are buying the best product available in the market and secondly you know that it's side effect free.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Penis Enlargement Exercises - The Best Natural Method

The fastest method of penis enlargement by far is penis enlargement exercises. With penis exercises, you get to see fast results and it's safe and natural to use also. You can easily increase your penis size by 2 inches in only 60 days or less by using penis enlargement exercises. You just have to know the exercises to perform in order to get the results that you are looking for.

Natural penis enlargement is possible without having to resort to dangerous options such as surgery, pumps, or even pills. Surgery can easily cost you thousands and the results that you get aren't even worth while. For same results that you get with surgery, you can get the same thing with penis exercises.
Penis pills fall into the same category also. All pills do is increase the amount of blood flow that your penis receives. This will make it easier for you to get and sustain an erection, but will do absolutely nothing for your penis enlargement gains. If you've ever used pills before to increase your size, then you know that you have to do a whole host of other things just to make it work for you.
Penis pumps temporarily inflate your penis and do nothing for permanent gains. If you really want to see the results that you want from penis enlargement, you will want to stick with exercises. Stories have been heard about men who used penis pumps to increase their penis size, and these men have been left with broken blood vessels, painful erections, and a wide variety of other problems.
Penis exercises are the only option that you should stick to. There are a ton of programs out there on the marketplace that offers penis enlargement packages that you can use to increase your penis size. You will have to do your research as to what the best one is to make it work for you.
If you're thinking that you want to go on a more natural route to increase your penis size and have heard about penis enlargement patches, then you should know that they work in the same way that pills do. They deliver a blast of nutrients that only increases the blood flow to your penis. This will make it easier for you to get an erection, but like I said earlier it won't do anything for making your penis size increase.
Stick with REAL natural methods of enlargement. And by natural I mean using your own 2 hands to get it done. Stick with this, and you will be good to go when it comes to increasing your penis size.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Penis Enlargement - How to Get Your Penis Harder and Longer?

Have you been worrying recently about the loss of enthusiasm regarding sex or that the erections you get are not as powerful as these ones used to be? Have you been worried that your partner will notice these changes and will discuss it sometime with you? Then this is definitely the time for you to go in for penis enlargement.
If you are convinced that your problem is not erection dysfunction, then penis enlargement products may be able to help you quite up to some extent. Though there are doubts whether the penis enlargement products can give you a permanent solution regarding enlargement of penis, these products can surely help you revive the lost spark in your sexual relationships and sexual appetite.

Most of the products may actually help you if you use these exactly before having sex. These products work towards increasing blood supply to the penis thereby increasing its size. If your problem has been regarding loss of size in penis, these products can solve the problem fast enough.
Penis enlargement products are designed to bring out long term changes, however this is quite impossible according to a number of experts. You are most likely to increase the size of your penis to its full potential, and not more than that. So if you are using penis enlargement products with a view to increase size in penis, it is better that you do not expect any larger than life changes in the size of penis.
Involving your partner in your plan for penis enlargement can be exciting if your partner is equally enthusiastic and both of you have a great rapport. You can even use the products to bring out the lost spark in your sexual relationship. There are chances that both of you will find the product amusing.
Penis enlargement products are available in a huge range. You can choose from pills, potions, creams, lotions, gadgets, tractions, vacuum pumps, etc. This is sure to confuse you, but you should the one, which is least likely to harm you in any way and that there are no side effects of this products. If you are a person on the move, then it is the best if you make a choice of the product that can be carried easily wherever you go.
If you want some penis enlargement product that may give the least side effects then you can go for the penis enlargement patch. All you need to do is paste the patch and be on the most, the patch looks like any antiseptic tape for injury, so the likelihood that anyone would notice is not possible. You can also paste this tape in a place where it is not easily visible to everyone.
You should exercise caution while choosing and using the products. Any wrong use of the product can lead to serious injury or harm to your important body part. You should conduct complete research about the product before buying it or using it. You can consult your physician before going in for penis enlargement.

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Impotence - 10 Ways For a Better Sex Life

Impotence! The word somehow sounds like failure, weakness. If you feel that you are impotent, you may also feel that you have somehow lost part of your dignity, your masculinity, your wholeness. There are many degrees of erectile difficulties. Some men may be able to achieve an erection, but are not able to maintain it. Others become erect, but not extremely rigid. Still others only have problems when they are with a new partner or with a long-time partner. And of course, there are those who cannot achieve an erection at all. Do not despair. You may be suffering from a physical or emotional problem (or both) for which there are definite solutions. If your problem is of an emotional nature, the following tips may help. If your erectile problem arises from a medical condition, there are now many new medicines, surgeries and therapies that can help restore your sexual health. What ever the nature of your problem is, remember that almost every man has difficulties with erection at some time in his life. You are not abnormal, nor are you alone. There is no need to suffer in silence. Don't let embarrassment keep you from sexual health and happiness.

1. REMOVE THE PERFORMANCE DEMAND: It's not unusual for a man to have an occasional episode of impotence, after drinking alcohol or after a particularly stressful day. However, if he places too much emphasis on the incident and harbors fear that it may happen again, the anxiety itself may become a cause of erectile difficulties. Some men engage in thinking that distracts them or take away from their sexual performance. You should try to take the performance demand out of the situation and relieve the anxiety about having to get an erection.
2. BREAK OUT OF A ROUTINE: One problem in people's sex lives is that they get into certain ruts and routines and they don't have much novelty. For example they always have sex at 11:30 at night with the lights off, with the same foreplay, and so on. Their sex lives are relatively invariant. They can change their sex lives by incorporating some variety- go to another place or a different setting. Vary the routine. Buy your wife some new night dresses. In short, spice up your sex life.
3. LEARN TO RELAX: Stress, arising either from performance anxiety or from other life situations, can also be a culprit in erectile problems. Relaxation exercises are helpful. Deep breathe or progressive muscles relaxing, where the person consciously tenses and relaxes each part of the body in sequence. In and of itself, as a treatment for impotence, relaxation is not effective but it may be a good first step for someone trying to improve their own functioning.
4. EXPRESS YOURS FEELINGS: Marital or relationship difficulties are notorious contributors to sexual problems. Anger, resentment, and hurt feelings often spill into the couple's sex life, turning the bedroom into a battlefield. This situation is especially likely to develop if partners are non communicative. You need to verbalize your feelings. Not in term of accusation, such as "you did this", or "you did that", but more like "I felt upset or hurt when you said that." In other words, use "I" statements, and keep the focus on your feelings, instead of on your partner's actions. Doing a thorough housecleaning of the relationship, instead of storing up emotional debris, may very well clear the way for a healthier sexual union.
5. TALK ABOUT SEX: Some times, erectile problems can come right down to not feeling aroused. In these cases, patients should communicate more openly about their sexual relationship. This can be embarrassing area, one that people don't talk about. Not talking contributes the problem. So talk about it.
6. DON'T DRINK BEFORE SEX: Drinking alcohol or being drunk can significantly impair your sexual functioning. Sex and alcohol never mix.
7. REMEMBER YOUR SUCCESSFUL EXPERIENCES: If performance anxiety has undermined your confidence, thinking about positive sexual relationships or experiences you have had in the past may help boost your self- esteem. It may also convince you that you can have a fulfilling sex life in the future.
8. INVOLVE YOUR PARTNER: Although erectile difficulties originate with the man, they are a couples' problem and have couples solutions. If the problem is not medical one, there are many strategies that can help. Your chances for improvement are much better if your sexual partner is involved in the solution.
9. READ, THEN TALK: Lack of knowledge about the sex acts itself. So read good books about sex and clarify your doubts.
10. DON'T BE AFRAID TO SEEK HELP: When you've tried everything, to no avail, it's time to seek medical attention. Studies have shown that medicines and therapies can significantly improve a couple's sex life. Where you go, it's up to you, but must do your homework and shop around. The most important thing is to find a qualified sex therapist to get the right solution of your problem.

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Herbal Medicine - A Natural Herb Treatment

By Joe Harry 
Herbal medicine plays a major role for natural treatment without any side effects. Herbal medicine, is a form of health improvement in which plants are used to prevent and treat various illnesses, which is also called Phytotherapy. You can obtain a wide range of natural health supplements and skin care products made from the finest natural ingredients available today.

You can also get unique, safe and effective products that help people supplement their lives. Patients are keenly interested in them, and doctors are also increasingly getting familiar with herbal research.
Researches have proved that herbs are viable treatments for many ailments. Herbs won't replace pharmaceuticals, but the research shows herbs in every condition work well. It's also cheaper than drugs and have no side effects. You can find good quality of products so that you to remain healthy.
You can get different types of products which boost energy levels and reduce fats. Herbal nutrition is the solution for a healthy lifestyle.
Herbs assist in the body's natural detoxification method. They have been very effective in natural treatment of anxiety and eating disorder symptoms.
Herb work to combat the consequences of disease and eating disorder symptoms; the same way as pharmaceuticals. Both produce effects in similar ways on the body and generate biological activity. These herbs have thus been very useful in various disease and eating disorder treatment because they do not have the toxic residue left by drugs.
There are several herbal beauty products. You can find favorite health supplements and natural beauty products at herbalmedicinestore. Herbal medicine prepared by several herbs like as shrubs, trees, ferns and seaweed.

Sunday, 31 March 2013

How Penis Enlargement Works

How does natural male enhancement work? Is there a biological basis to improving penis size? If yes... What is it, and why does it work? What about the avalanche of articles and the assortment of online offers that promise ridiculous anatomical improvements in super short order? Are they fact... or 100% fantasy and fiction instead? And if they do work... HOW? Any of these questions sound familiar? In this article we are going to take a quick and easy look at the natural male enhancement industry, and shine a bright light on what medical science DOES know about size, and how it can be augmented and improved. Interested? Continue reading as we take a closer look in the paragraphs below.
Q: Isn't penis size based on biology? Can it REALLY be changed with practice, or pills or any sort of artificial means?

A: Good question. And the truth is, while there has been anecdotal evidence for years that some types of natural male enhancement really DOES work, the standard scientific line has been, at least relative to penis size, that what you are born with, and what evolves with your body as you go and grow... is pretty much what nature wants you to have forever.
The only known exemption to this rule?
Phalloplasty, or surgical augmentation. While this is not the path most men take, we have known for decades that this specific procedure could radically change penis size, regardless of where you began!
The problem of course with going this route for MOST men is simple. It's a very dangerous procedure and one that can cost upwards of 20 thousand dollars if done in the USA.
In addition, phalloplasty has the highest rate of patient dissatisfaction of ANY elective cosmetic procedure in the world... a fact that turns many men off who can afford it. (note: A very small percentage of surgical male enhancements are in fact done for men who are so "small" as to be considered "deformed," which can present a health challenge later in life. While rare, this does happen, and is a real reason to consider phalloplasty)
Enlargement surgery is usually done with silicone injections, or even saline (like breast augmentation) both of which offer the appearance of enhanced size.
What about natural enhancement without surgery? Does it work?
I think most medical opinions now suggest that YES, it does. Of course many PE products, processes and programs are a scam... but there is now overwhelming evidence the natural enhancement does work.
The big change over the last 10 years in terms of the science of enhancement is actually pretty simple, and very exciting if you are insecure about your size.
There is now a lot of evidence that certain types of natural exercise, and medical grade interventions CAN in fact increase penis size in a dramatic way, without drugs or danger. (drugs, by the way... are another method proven NOT to work)
So how does genuine male enhancement work?
Very simply. The spongy tissue in the male anatomy is "stressed" either through exercise or a similar strategy like a tension apparatus. This leads the spongy tissue in the corposa cavernosa to break down and regrow. When this happens, the cells in the tissue multiply (as happens elsewhere in the body as well) causing what is called "tougher tissue," which can lead to increased blood flow (which affects erection size) as well as a denser, and more robust overall appearance.
The truth is, there is only 1 genuine way to affect the size of your penis without surgery or augmentation: To increase the size and density of the penile tissue, which in turn... allows more blood to flow to and through the male organ when erect.
The bad news? Any product that makes a bold promise but does NOT do the above, is not going to work.
The good new? There ARE finally proven, medially valid and safe paths to improve penis size from home... and you don't need drugs, danger or anything dubious to do it!

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Sexual Dysfunction - Partner Consultation?

By David A Crawford
Expert Author David A Crawford
Although CME courses recommended that patient-partner-physician dialogue was best enhanced through patient-partner education during conjoint visits, there was anecdotal evidence that physicians were not regularly meeting with partners of sexual dysfunction patients. This author undertook a 2002 Internet survey of the Sexual Medicine Society of North America, member's practice patterns. These urologists are all sub-specialists in sexual medicine in general, and erectile dysfunction in particular. Although methodologically limited, the results were interesting. The data pointed to a striking disparity between urologist attitude and actual practice. An overwhelming 79% of the responding urologists considered partner cooperation with erectile dysfunction treatment "important," regardless of whether the partner actually attended sessions or not?
Yet, only 39% of the responding urologists saw only one partner or less in their last five erectile dysfunction patient's office visits. Nor was there any contact by phone, e-mail, or other means between doctor and partners for 90% of the responding urologists, despite the vast majority of patients were married or coupled. However, there were good reasons for not having a conjoint visit, as long as the importance of partner issues in treatment success was understood. Indeed, many urologists reflected thoughtfully on the burden of the treater to not invade the privacy beyond what was freely accepted by the patient. Urologists noted that the men saw erectile dysfunction as their problem, and were not interested in involving their partner. These urologists gently encouraged partner attendance, but appropriately did not require it. So why are pharmaceutical erectile dysfunction treatments so effective? Does this data suggest that partner issues do not impact outcome? No, but it does support the thesis that "partner cooperation" is even more important than "partner attendance." Why are many physicians successful even when not seeing partners? Sex pharmaceuticals with sex counseling and education work for many people, if the partner was cooperative in the first place. Fortunately, many partners of both men and women are cooperative, which partially accounts for the high success rates of medical and surgical interventions. Indeed, most of the cooperation goes unexplored. The cooperation is assumed based on post hoc knowledge of success. Importantly, many women were cooperating with their partners, or facilitating sexual activity, independent of their knowledge of the use of a sexual aid or pharmaceutical. In other words, serendipitous matching of sexual pharmaceutical and previous sexual script equaled success: "we did, what we used to do, and it worked."
The existence of large numbers of cooperative, supportive women who themselves have partners with mild to severe erectile dysfunction account for much of the success of many erectile dysfunction patients who see their physicians alone, for evaluation and subsequent pharmacotherapy. Many of these partners were never seen by the treating physician, nor was their attendance necessary for success. This is likely to be true for other male and female dysfunctions as well, depending on the degree of psychosocial barriers to success. Obviously, the most pleasant, supportive, cooperative partners would rarely be discouraged from attending office visits with any patient. Ironically, these same patients would probably have successful outcomes even if their partners never attended an office visit. However, good becomes better by evaluating, understanding, and incorporating key partner issues into the treatment process.
The patient-partner-clinician dialogue is best enhanced through patient- partner education. Partner attendance during the office visit would allow for such education. Yet, many clinicians do not regularly meet with partners of sexual dysfunction patients. Although working with couples was often recommended: sometimes there was no partner; sometimes the current sexual partner was not the spouse, raising legal, social, and moral sequella. The reality and cost/benefit of partner participation is a legitimate issue for both the couple and the clinician, and not always a manifestation of resistance. Finally, the patient's desire for his partner's attendance may be mitigated by a variety of intrapsychic and interpersonal factors, which, at least initially, must be respected and heeded.

There are other solutions. When evaluation or follow-up reveals significant relationship issues, counseling the individual alone may help, but interacting with the partner will often increase success rates. If the partner refuses to attend, or the patient is unwilling or reluctant to encourage them; seek contact with the partner by telephone. Ask to be called, or for permission to call the partner. Most partners find it difficult to resist speaking "just once," about "potential goals" or "what's wrong with their spouse." The contact provides opportunity for empathy and potential engagement in the treatment process, which may minimize resistance and improve further outcome. This effective approach could be modified depending on the clinician's interest and time constraints. Clinicians should counsel partners when necessary and possible. They need to be a resource in treating with medication, counseling, and educational materials. Education needs to be a greater part of sexual dysfunction practice, whether provided within a physician's practice or externally by other competent healthcare professionals. Success rates can be enhanced through patient-partner-clinician education, which will reduce the frequency of noncompliance and partner resistance, and minimize symptomatic relapse. Organic and psychological factors causing sexual dysfunction, and noncompliance with treatment, are on a multi-layered continuum. Although some partners will require direct professional intervention, many others could benefit from obtaining critical information from the sexual dysfunction patient and/or multiple media formats both private and public.

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Penis Enlargement - Ways to Try

By Kingsley Modozie

I have revealed the five ways which you can try out to enlarge your penis size. If you are in search of a way to enlarge your penis size, you need to discover them inside the content of this article.
We have many ways to enlarge the size of the penis. A few of them work while some of them do not work. When selecting the method to use to enlarge your penis size, there is one important thing you need to put into consideration. The one important thing is known as safety. Some penis enlargement methods are not safe to use. Nevertheless, I will reveal to you the various ways to enlarge the size of your manhood. They are known as surgery, pill, exercise, patch, and extender. Til date, these are the known methods to enlarge the size of your manhood. I will talk about each of them and make my recommendation on the one you should use to enlarge your penis size which truly works.

Surgery: I guess everyone knows what penis enlargement surgery is all about. In case you do not know, let me reveal to you what it's all about. It is the use of surgical equipments to enlarge your penis size. This is a risky way to enlarge the penis size and there are a lot of complications involved with this method. It can cost up to $7000 to carry one full penis enlargement surgery that is the amount for length enlargement. If you want to enlarge your girth, you will be charged about $5000 for it. My research reveals that up to 90% of men that attempted penis surgery were unsatisfied with its result. Some of the complications of penis surgery are impotency, pain, bleeding and the rest of others.
Extender: It is the use of a device to stretch the penis size. This method involves the wearing of a penis stretcher on your penis for a period of 5 hours daily. You should expect about 2 months to see visible result and you need to make use of a penis extender with a double strap to avoid discomfort.
Exercise: It is one of the most popular ways to enlarge your penis size which is mainly offered on the internet. The problem with this method is that it is not easy to get the right information to follow and apply. When you surf round the internet, you will see a lot of guides on how penis enlargement exercise is carried out but most of them do not provide the right procedure. The best way to go around this is to join a penis enlargement program like the type offered by Penis Health.
Pill: This method consists of the intake of penis pills made using herbs. There are some herbs that work to give you a bigger erection, so you can take them to give your penis the size you hunger for.

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Problems in Married Life

By Kelly Cochran

Unlike fairy-tales, many marriages do not have happy endings. Married life is not always a bed of roses, and things often don't work exactly as it planned. When things seem to spin out of control, couples often must make compromises, change ways or negotiate rather than let things simply fall apart. Marriage is a beautiful transition that happens in a person's life where one learns to be more responsible for his/her own life and as well as that of his or her spouse. However, most of the time, people are too preoccupied with their impatient and immature attitudes that they forget to realize the importance of keeping that fire burning in their married lives. Here are some of the common problems that married couples encounter:
Lack of efficient communication strategies. The holy sacrament of matrimony symbolizes the union of two individuals into one. This idealistic union is also very much susceptible to many difficulties and dilemmas. As a couple, both parties should decide to establish open lines of communities filled with nothing but love, truth and honesty. This is a good avenue for couples to share their worries, concerns and expectations. Choose an interesting topic for discussion. Plan a time for hearty conservations every day; it might be during dinner, before going to bed or maybe before TV time. Solve your marital problems as soon as you can, and don't wait for them to develop into big issues.

Lack for flair in romance. Although there are many researches who say that financial problems are often the root cause of marital breakdowns, lack of trust, infidelity, and sexual problems also rank at the top of the list. Sexual problems at their worst may even lead to divorce. Intimacy is a very crucial factor in keeping your marriage alive. Sex is not only for pleasure but the act also binds married couples closer together. Romance is a need between both partners. It serves as the one thing that can spice up married life and bring back the sparkle on your partner's eyes. There are plenty of ways in which you can romance your partner- sexual intimacy, care, affection, simple dinner dates, flowers, presents, chocolates and so much more. A married life is considered good as dead when there is no romance behind it.
Financial issues. A money problem is something that many experience even before they tie the knot. Make sure you don't let those financial problems get in the way of your marriage. Money is one of the common causes of a strained married life. After exchanging those wedding vows, married couples are often bombarded with financial issues. Many couples find themselves blaming one another for their financial instabilities. Deal with money matters wisely and not in an aggressive manner.
Different interests. Among top problems in married life is the lack of common interests between spouses. The key to a successful and blissful marriage is understanding each other's wants and needs and satisfying each one of them. Try to focus more on the similar things that make your relationship stronger.

Saturday, 16 March 2013

The Signs of a Woman Who is Having Sexual Problems

By Michael Harradine
You must always be on your toes to ensure that you are up to speed when it comes to the overall state of your sexual relationship with your spouse or partner. Deniability is one of the potential dangers that you must be aware of. You have to be able to detect potential, unfolding and current sexual problems that may serious create havoc to your relationship. If you are not experiencing satisfaction from your sexual encounter, and you are affected by the situation and feel that the event has negating effect on your relationship, then chances are you are facing some form of sexual problem.
Here are some of the more common indicators that you are facing sexual problems:
• Decreased sexual appetite, fewer sexual fantasies and reluctance to engage in sex
• Inability to respond to explicit sexual suggestions, feel and stay stimulated
• Failure to plateau and reach orgasm
• Painful sexual intercourse

Results of various studies indicate that 1 in every 2 women in the US are experiencing one or a combination of the four forms of sexual dysfunction - sexual arousal disorder, sexual pain disorder, orgasmic disorder and low libido. Among the four forms of sexual dysfunction, low libido is the most common problem of women.
This brings us to the issue of deniability. If you tend to ignore or refuse to acknowledge the existence of sexual problems, the condition can grow out of proportion. Serious forms of sexual problems can lead to infidelity, emotional distress and separation. The sexual malady can become so severe that women develop fear of sexual intercourse. It is this fear that makes women avoid contact and serious relationship with men. If the problem persists, the condition may leave an indelible mark in the psyche and renders love and sexual satisfaction almost impossible. The person will then go to a downward spiral and experience depression, low self-esteem and loneliness.