Monday 6 May 2013

Best Penis Enlarging Products? You Can't Go Wrong With These Five Effective Products Or Methods

The best penis enlarging products are always desired by men but a lot of men are cautious when it comes to these products because they know little about it. In order to know whether penis enlargement products or methods really work, you need to know what they are and how they work in the first place. This article tells all.
sex problem medicine
As much as we want to have a large penis by birth, it is not possible because of our genetic make-up but if you are really interested in making your manhood grow and avoid embarrassment from having a small penis, then there are options for you to try which will help you grow inches on your penis.
Procedures / products available for penis enlargement are as follows:
i) Penis augmentation (surgery);
ii) Penis traction devices;
iii) Jelqing exercises;
iv) Penis enlargement patches and
v) Penis enlargement pills
All of these products have been tested and proven and you will know them better through reading the rest of this article.
i) Penis augmentation is enlarging the penis through surgery.
This method can increase either the girth and length. To increase the girth, fats are sucked form your body and then injected on the skin of the penis. This method has been improved that your penis will not show any sign of the surgery like uneven bulging and the likes. The surgery increasing the length is done by dividing the ligaments in the penis. To make the effects of the surgery permanent you need to use a penis traction device for about four months after surgery for at least four hours daily. The surgery normally lasts for 2 hours. This method is guaranteed to work but this procedure is also expensive. It is also risky that is why you need to use the services of reputable surgeons in order to assure success.
ii) Penis traction device
This device may be used after a penis augmentation surgery but it can also help you in increasing your penis size without the use of surgery. This is a much safer and cost efficient product for penis enlargement than a penis augmentation. The basic principle that makes this device work is the "traction force" it outs in the penis which in effect will make the tissues in the penis increase in size.
iii) Jelqing exercise
These exercises use the same traction principle in increasing the penis size. You can find these exercises on the net. The most reliable sources are from membership sites where you pay certain membership fees to access to information as well as assistance in the exercise program. This method may get boring in the long run but it has been proven to be effective.
iv) Penis enlargement patches
Patches work by way of the so-called "Transdermal Technology". This a big phrase word but it simply means delivery through the skin. When you stick a patch on your skin, the ingredients in the patch get absorbed through the skin and reach the blood stream pretty quickly.
The ingredients then work as a stimulant for the improvement of the blood circulation in the penis. The increase in the blood circulating in the penis makes the penis larger but this will wear off once you stopped using the patches. In order to make the effect permanent, try using a penis traction devise or jelqing exercise with the pills and patches.
v) Penis enlargement pills
Pills work slightly differently from patches in that you need to swallow them. Therefore, pills need to go through your digestive system before the ingredients can reach your blood stream where things start to happen.

Sunday 5 May 2013

Latest Penis Enlargement Method

At this point in time where super size cars, airplane, ships, mobile phone, meals, and just about everything else, it's hard to stop imagining and asking whether bigger is size is actually best for everything. Its a fact that men are very competitive when it comes to their abilities in satisfying women. So, do men really give importance to penis size to satisfy a woman? Well, yes, but you'll be amazed to find out for whom it really matters.
Newly released scientific facts and data may help put to rest some of the myths circulating about whether or not penis size matters and what's normal for the vast majority of men out there. A well executed survey was recently conducted, and has put the average erect size of a male adult penis to be between 5.5 inches and 6.2 inches in length and 4.7 inches and 5.1 inches in girth. The study also shows that from about 50,000 respondents heterosexual men and women. About 85 percent of women were satisfied with their partners penile size, but only 55 percent of men were satisfied.
There are many so many types of latest penis enlargement methods nowadays. Here are the most popular and tested methods, each method has its own advantage and disadvantage:
1. Penis Enlargement Surgery
Penis enlargement surgery is often considered to be extremely risky and fairly expensive. Although it is probably the widest accepted medical procedure, it's a common knowledge that there remains a numbers of risks associated with this method
2. Penis Enlargement Traction Devices
This is one of the newest penis enlargement methods that is just recently introduced on the market. These device is used to apply a constant traction over the length of the penis making your penis larger. By doing this method, your body will likely adapt and adjust to this new force, begins to grow bulky, and produce new tissue cells.
3. Penis Enlargement Weights
This method is done by hanging small weights off the end of the penis to stretch the penis and have length gains.These procedure of using weights can be incredibly uncomfortable so many expert would not recommend these type of method.
4. Penis Enlargement Pills
Penis enlargement pills main function aiming to enlarge the Corpora Cavernosa, main blood holding chamber of the penis. By increasing the Corpora Cavernosa and the surrounding chambers the penis can hold more blood and this in turn will lead to a larger length and girth. Penis enlargement pills may help increased sexual appetite and blood flow. Penis enlargement pills are considered to be by far the fastest & easiest way of increasing the penis size. In combination with penis exercises and proper dose of enlargement pills patients can see dramatic gains (2-3 inches) in just a few months.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Premature Ejaculation - Issues and Solutions

Of the two major commonly reported cases of male sexual dysfunction, erectile dysfunction accounts for about 10% while premature ejaculation is reported to account for some 80 percent. Some statistics indicate that one in three men suffer from premature ejaculation indicating a prevalence rate of between 27 percent and 34 percent in men of all ages.
According to The American Psychiatric Association, premature ejaculation is defined as the "persistent or recurrent ejaculation with minimum sexual stimulation before, on or shortly after penetration and before the person wishes it..." Simply stated, PE is a condition where a man frequently ejaculates earlier than he or his partner wishes to either before, on or shortly after copulating with his partner. Premature ejaculation is also known as rapid ejaculation.

Premature ejaculation causes marked distress or interpersonal difficulty for a man and his partner as it allows neither partner to enjoy the sexual act in a proper manner. The man feels dissatisfaction because of the inability to hold out the pleasurable sensations of sexual contact for a longer period of time while his partner is equally dissatisfied for not being able to reach her sexual peak.
It is also common for men that are experiencing PE to question their masculinity and lose confidence in their sexual performance. They may feel misunderstood as to the extent of frustration and humiliation they regularly experience while a partner may suffer in silence for fear of upsetting their man further or become frustrated at their partner's seeming unwillingness to fix the problem.
However, many men occasionally experience premature ejaculation during sexual intercourse, but as long as it does not happen frequently, there is no cause for the man to worry. The time period that qualifies for PE has however become a highly debatable topic owing to the fact that men ejaculate at different times during different sexual encounters. Scientists and researchers now define premature ejaculation as a condition in which the man achieves orgasm in about 120 seconds or 2 minutes after vaginal penetration. Others specify the number of penile thrusts, considering less than 8 to 15 thrusts prior to ejaculation to be premature. With that said, if this should occur on a more regular basis, then he may be suffering from PE.